Betty & Hazel
Jersey Dairy Cows
These two Girls joined our farm when they were only a few days old. They love attention and pumpkin treats.

Idaho pasture pig
Maggie came to us already pregnant. She gave birth to six sweet piggies and is an excellent mama. she is our first breeder pig.

Bronze turkey
Tom is our stud breeder turkey. Instead of the thanksgiving table, you’ll see tom strutting around the farm with his ladies.

Great Pyrenees
WIllow is our livestock guardian dog. She works mostly at night but does an excellent job chasing off predators.

Farm Rabbits
New Zealand Rabbit
We have multiple rabbits on the farm. They provide us with great manure for the compost / garden! In the spring / summer, you may see them on the pasture in their little rabbit tractors.

Layer Hens
Variety of chicken breeds
Our layers love roaming the pasture. We keep them safe at night in a chicken coop and give them locally grown non-gmo feed for supplemental food. The mixed breeds also give us a rainbow of egg colors.

Useless Ducks
Pekin Ducks
These two male ducks are pretty much useless on the farm. Prior to our guard dog, we had a fox problem on the farm and unfortunately lost our female ducks. now without mates and the inability to lay eggs, these boys just waddle around the farm. (update: we have added more ducks but these guys are still useless)

Barn cats
The first animal we added to the farm was a barn cat and because of a stray tom cat, we now have several cats. They all have names and are great at keeping the mouse and mole population down. They are very domesticated and love attention.