Five Cardinals Farm

2558 Plain View Ln., Plain View VA

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a membership?

Some of our state laws require a Farm-share or Herd-Share in order to sell some of our products directly to consumers. Even though not all our products require this, your farm membership covers everything.

Do you delivery or have pick-up sites?

No, we are a small family farm growing, raising, processing, and baking all our products. A delivery schedule is not feasable at this time.

are you open all year long?

yes, our farm store is open to members all year but we do have limited hours during the winter and holiday season.

Is there a weekly commitment similar to a CSA?

No, unlike a traditional CSA, we do not require a minimum purchase or weekly pickup. You shop when you can and buy only what you want. We have members that shop weekly and others that shop monthly.

Do I need to pre-order online?

Yes and no. We do have an online store that shows what we have in stock every week but you only need to preorder certain items, mostly our baked goods because they are made fresh every week.

Can I tour the farm?

Absolutely! Members are welcome to walk around the farm and see our operation. As we continue to improve the farm, we will have event space and picnic areas for you to enjoy a coffee from the store while taking in the farm life scenery.

Have more questions?

Send us a Message. Happy to help